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Dog Days of Summer ♥️ FREE SHIPPING for $135+ Cdn & Contl US orders



Shop House Rules

New #lys #houserules that came about via our recent Sunday morning discussion about #diversityandinclusion in our #fibrearts #community ♥️

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Diversity & Inclusion in the LYS & Beyond

June 23 — We’re opening the shop on Sunday morning for all interested and available to join in a mediated discussion about diversity and inclusion in our fibre arts community.

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TFN Ravelry Group

The Fibre Nook has a group page on ravelry.com.

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Keeping current with The Fibre Nook!

Follow us on Instagram or Facebook to receive daily updates of new products and/or happenings in the shop.

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Grand Opening October 28!

Join us for our official Grand Opening! Special guests include the Grocery Girls at 11 am. the Wandering Woolies for their meeting #546 at 2 pm...

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TFN on Ravelry

TFN now has a presence on Ravelry...

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We're Opening September 5!

The day has arrived.  We will open our doors to the public at 10am on Tuesday, September 5!

Come visit and shop.  Bring a project and sit and knit or crochet for awhile. 

The Fibre Nook is a store for all fibre lovers in Edmonton and area.  Let us know what you want to see and we'll do our best to bring in your favorite fibres and supplies.


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Welcome to the Fibre Nook!  We're so happy you've come to check us out.

Watch here for exciting news as we prepare to open our doors soon.

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